HomeLandscaping / Tools of the TradeSod Springing Gently into Greener Grass

Springing Gently into Greener Grass
As warmer weather slowly trickles in to Spring in our region, many of us are gazing out our windows looking for signs of green. A stroll through our yards may involve taking a good look at how things have emerged from the snow, maybe a poke or two in the garden to see if new bulbs are starting to emerge and longing gazes at brown, patchy lawns that we can not wait to be summer ready. But wait we must; getting too aggressive in our yards too early will do more damage than good.
Our lawns tend to be the foreground of perennial borders and mixed borders of shrubs and trees. Early in April, we need to be gentle with our garden paradises as the ground can still be soggy or if good weather has allowed, tiny blades of grass may start to emerge, and weather can be very unpredictable. Soil is easily compacted when wet and tender blades of grass can be easily damaged; taking time to allow your lawn to grow in to spring will bring you much better results moving into summer.
Once the lawn is dry and the soil has warmed up, you will be rewarded with more signs of green. In the meantime, a light clean up with a fan rake will tidy up leaves, debris and vole damage or break up any visible snow mould. By mid to end of April, depending on our spring season, you can start to entertain plans to hard rake, aerate, fertilize and mow your lawn. Pests, disease, dog and compaction damage will start to show as your lawn grows, usually with discoloured patches or weeds. You may require over-seeding or topdressing to help improve your lawns appearance and health. Finally, taking time to sharpen your mower blades for your first mow will also help prevent unnecessary damage to growing grass.
If you have just moved into a new home, and you are tired of looking out at the pile of construction grade soil, we can help improve the view! At Blue Grass we are sod producers, committed to providing our customers with expert knowledge and high-quality, premium grade turf. With four types of sod available we can help you select the best turf for your lawn needs. Call us or check out our website for more information, we would love to help.