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Call Stack
10.0016367712{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0016368072require( '/home/ ).../index.php:17
31.015224016120require_once( '/home/ ).../wp-blog-header.php:19
41.026924101128include( '/home/ ).../template-loader.php:106
51.493327591448wc_get_template_part( $slug = 'content', $name = 'single-product' ).../single-product.php:56
61.493727591992load_template( $_template_file = '/home/', $load_once = FALSE, $args = ??? ).../wc-core-functions.php:284
71.493827592568require( '/home/ ).../template.php:785

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Veg-Pepper-Hot Banana-Hungarian Hot Yellow Wax (12″)

It may look like a mild banana pepper, but really the Hungarian wax pepper has a lot more bite. In terms of spiciness, it’s more akin to a jalapeño with a chance for a bit more heat. This is a great chili for all sorts of cooking (including chiles rellenos) and a popular one to top off a salad with or to pickle. These are excellent peppers to cook with, let’s say that first. They are very flavorful and slightly tangy-sweet with that mild heat layered on top. They grow pretty easily in lots of climates and work in lots of dishes. 60 days.

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It may look like a mild banana pepper, but really the Hungarian wax pepper has a lot more bite. In terms of spiciness, it’s more akin to a jalapeño with a chance for a bit more heat. This is a great chili for all sorts of cooking (including chiles rellenos) and a popular one to top off a salad with or to pickle. These are excellent peppers to cook with, let’s say that first. They are very flavorful and slightly tangy-sweet with that mild heat layered on top. They grow pretty easily in lots of climates and work in lots of dishes. 60 days.