HomeOutdoor PlantsFruit Trees Poor Fruit Yields

Poor Fruit Yields
There are many factors that can affect the yield of fruit trees. Here are some of the most common reasons for a poor yield.
- Immature plant. Newly planted trees will require a few years to establish and start to produce fruit.
- Poor site selection. Too much shade or competition with larger trees
- Cool rainy weather and late-season frost. Late-season frost can kill flower buds and pollinators don’t fly during cold, wet, and windy weather.
- Lack of pollinators (bees and insects). There may not be sufficient overlap of blooming periods for cross-pollination. Add flowering plants to your beds to encourage pollinators.
- Over-fertilization. Too much nitrogen results in vigorous, lush green growth with little or no flowers.
- Severe pruning will result in vigorous growth with little or no flowers.
- Trees are the same variety. Make sure you plant different varieties to ensure cross-pollination.
- Biennial Bearing. A poor crop the year following a bumper crop. Some apple varieties tend to be biennial producers.