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Oops She Did It Again!
One week ago, many of us were still kicking through the leaves of fall and enjoying all that Autumn had to offer this year. We were all set to share tips for putting your garden to bed and Mother Nature decided to give us all a frosty welcome to Winter! So, those that you that have been enjoying some late season colour from your petunias and still blooming flowering pots, I guess it’s time to put on your winter coat and a warm pair of gloves and get to finishing all the tasks that many of us put off.
Petunias and other annuals can be pulled, furniture brushed off and put away and containers tucked into the corners of your patio or garage for the season. Even though we’ve had a good cover of snow, don’t be afraid to add some occasional water to your trees and shrubs if needed (check soil for moisture, if the ground is frozen there is moisture there), and don’t worry if you didn’t get your perennials cut back – they’ll still be there for spring and will provide protection for early spring emerging buds. If you had a late delivery of bulbs, or just didn’t get around to planting your tulips try to get them into the ground sooner than later. If you can still dig a hole in your soil, you can still plant them in the ground. Otherwise, save them for container forcing later in the season.
Another strategy to keep your newly planted trees and shrubs happy through the winter, especially in the chinook zone is to pile snow around the base of your plants. As the snow melts during warm periods, the moisture will hang out in the root zone. Many people have asked us about wrapping trees to protect them for winter. We do not recommend it, but if you still feel the need to do something – use a breathable fabric such as burlap and create a fence around your tree rather than wrapping it tightly. Keeping the burlap back about six inches, will allow air to flow while protecting it from drying winds and snow/sun reflection.
We may not have been ready for winter, but it’s here and once we can catch up, we’ll move on to the next season as we always do. Blue Grass is full of beautiful indoor plants, beautiful home décor and of course before we know it, you know what will be here! Our sparkly season has begun indoors and while it seems early, we have a lot of work to do to get it just right and our team is amazing at the things they do. Bear with us as we transition indoors, and be rest assured we will Remember next month and give thanks to their sacrifices as we enjoy the simple pleasures of each season as it passes.
Stay warm, be safe and be kind.