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January Dreams
Another year, another countdown but this time it’s a countdown to spring! With days getting longer, and everyone trying to make it to the light at the end of this dark pandemic tunnel, there is once again the eager desire to get growing. Seeds are already in high demand, and there is plenty of wonder regarding plant availability this spring. Our best answer at this point, is that we will do everything in our control to get you all your garden needs.
In the meantime, do your planning as ‘gardening begins in January with the dream’. Grow some microgreens indoors to get your seed starting fix in now or play with propagating some of your indoor plants. Starting vegetable and flower seeds too early indoors will result in leggy plants and a lack of space sooner than you need it to. Early seed starting indoors for our growing zone should begin end of February to early March. Planting outdoors should wait until after last frost date, which is generally May long weekend.
Spring is inevitable, it will come. Enjoy the rest of winter as best you can, dust off your house plants, pick up some citrus on sale at Blue Grass, get planning, and get ready!