HomeOutdoor PlantsCrocus Hopping Into Spring
Hopping Into Spring
Wow, suddenly spring is upon us! With a bit of a later start than last year, signs of spring are showing up all at once. Prairie crocuses are waking up among the dead grasses in various parks around Calgary, trees are quickly budding up, tulips and spring bulbs are well on their way and temperatures are mild. Signs in the Greenhouse and Garden Centre at Blue Grass are plenty as well, tomato and geranium seedlings, summer bulbs, hanging basket stuffers, Easter colour, herbs, early perennials and more are filling up the plant racks. Seasonal garden décor with loads of bright spring colours are arriving daily.
Spring preparation has started in many gardens in and around Calgary. Pots and containers are ready to go, lawns are being cleaned up, and even some raked and aerated. Many of us have been poking around our plants to see what is coming up. Some damage may have occurred to shrubs and trees and you will want to take care of it. Take caution in getting out on the lawn or in your garden beds too early, and especially if they are still wet. You might cause more damage than good if you get ahead of yourself. Plan on fertilizing lawns by end of April. Keep an eye on moisture, especially for newly planted trees and shrubs as they are budding out. Traditionally we target May long weekend as our big start, but it totally depends on your garden conditions and what surprises the weather still has in store for us.
At Blue Grass, we have so many activities getting us warmed up for spring! Our spring workshops and seminars have been very well attended, with many more to come. Check out our events on the website or on our Facebook page. One to watch for is our Ladies Spring Fling coming Wednesday, April 12th! Shopping and sparkling wine, and 25% off all in store. We will also have booths at the Airdrie Home and Lifestyle Show as well as the Calgary Garden Show, which are both on April 29 and 30th weekend. Our store is quickly coming to life with lots of you stopping in for some early shopping and/or just to check out what is new. Sod, shrubs and trees could be arriving as early as the Easter weekend, but please call to confirm and watch our social media feeds for updates.
Spring has sprung, and after a seemingly very long winter, we are all ready to get in the garden! Getting our green thumbs warmed up by planting spring containers, pansies and pussy willows help keep it simple! Also celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday this year with all sorts of red and white plants as well as Canadian décor! We are proud to be 100% Canadian!
Happy Spring and Happy Easter to All! Look forward to seeing you soon!