HomeOutdoor PlantsGarden Decor Hazy Days of Summer

Hazy Days of Summer
Call them lazy or hazy days of summer, we’ve been enjoying plenty of good summer heat this season. Unfortunately, our hazy days are due to the BC wild fires, as along with the warm weather our natural landscapes are susceptible to high fire hazard. Please be extra careful and pay attention to fire bans and advisories, we all want to end this summer safely.
Garden chores are pretty straight forward this time of year, water, water and more water. Weeds are still showing up; quack grass especially seems to like the heat and keep right on growing. Deadheading keeps annual pots tidy and if you haven’t already, it is a good time to trim back leggy plants and fertilize. Especially good if you are heading away for holidays, as by the time you get back (if things have been kept well watered) everything should still look great. Consider water bags and Plant Nanny’s to help keep things watered if you don’t have an irrigation system in place.
Harvest from gardens is well on it’s way, and tomatoes in my yard have become a daily supplement to most meals. Other gardeners are already showing a bounty of goodies from their vegetable gardens. Again, the heat is a definite benefit to this successful growing season. Fruit trees are loaded with good fruit and hopefully they have lasted through the various wind and hail storms we had earlier in the month.
Garden décor and outdoor furniture interest has increased this month as many of us look to adding some finishing touches to our early summer work. Blue Grass has so many great items in store, and it’s worth a visit or two to see our various home and garden décor options. All summer long we’ve had some special sales and great deals in store, it is worth visiting regularly to take advantage of these promotions.
Keep following us on Facebook and Instagram for all the latest updates, new contests and special announcements of upcoming events. We don’t want to rush summer, but we’ve got lots of great things in-store for you as we head into the next season. Enjoy the rest of your summer, stop in and have a look and remember, we carry perennials, shrubs and trees all summer long – there’s no need to wait until fall to get some more projects going!