HomeOutdoor PlantsDrought Tolerant Trees Drought Tolerant Trees
Drought Tolerant Trees
Periods of drought can occur frequently in our growing zone. Choosing drought tolerant trees for dry or sunny locations in your garden can help lead you to garden success. Drought tolerance is increased as tree becomes established; always water a new tree in well, deeply and throughout its first growing season or during prolonged dry periods.
Also helpful during periods of drought are to apply mulch to your garden beds or at base of tree to help retain moisture and even out soil temperatures. When planting your trees, do your best to provide adequate space, choose the right plant for the right location and amend soil to provide a quality foundation for your tree. Giving your tree its best start will allow for Mother Nature to help you take care of the rest!
Drought tolerant trees that Blue Grass recommends: Amur Maackia, Amur Maple, Ash, Aspen, Austrian Pine, Autumn Blaze Maple, Baby Blue Spruce, Bakeri Spruce, Black Hills Spruce, Bristlecone Pine, Bur Oak, Colorado Spruce, Columnar Mugo Pine, Elm, Fat Albert Spruce, Green Penguin Scotch Pine, Hackberry, Hawthorn, Hoopsii Spruce, Ivory Silk Lilac, Japanese Tree Lilac, Juniper, Korean Maple, Limber Pine, Linden, Lodgepole Pine, Montgomery Spruce, Montrose Charm White Spruce, Mountain Pine, Oak, Ohio Buckeye, Ornamental Flowering Crabapple, Pin Cherry, Ponderosa Pine, Poplar, Red Rocket Maple, Scotch Pine, Sensation Maple, Serviceberry, Sester’s Dwarf Spruce, Siberian Larch, Silver Queen Maple, Swiss Stone Pine, Tamarack, Tannenbaum Mugo Pine, Weeping White Spruce and White Spruce.